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IT Solutions
Business meeting with a presentation and laptop.

How to Manage All of Your IT Needs

The role of IT in business has evolved over the years to encompass much more than just making sure the internet is up and running and everyone has the hardware they need. It now involves everything from security and cloud-based storage to data backup and more. Managing all of these aspects can be a lot to ask of your business, particularly if there isn’t a specific IT role or partnership in place. Here’s a breakdown of everything that needs to be considered within your business IT needs and how to go about managing all of it. Security Security is and always has been of the utmost importance to your business, but how it’s defined has changed over the years. Many businesses today work with a lot of confidential data and information that must be protected especially if that includes sensitive information from clients. Cyber threats are becoming more and more prominent, with around 4,000 ransomware attacks taking place every day in 2016. You need a way to keep attackers at bay so your business can function comfortably and confidently without worrying about potential threats. Modern IT provides firewall protection, antivirus software, and more to achieve that protection. Cloud-based storage As business has modernized, organizations have by and large made their way to the cloud. Physical hard drives and storage components are becoming a thing of the past, with businesses turning to the virtual and highly accessible method of file storage. With that wireless shift comes the ability for work to be effectively performed remotely via the cloud from a wide range of devices. The cloud boosts agility and collaboration while also reducing your hardware footprint. Establishing and managing a cloud platform takes experienced IT support, and there is also a security element at play in order to prevent access to your virtual storage from outside threats. Data backup The sensitive data mentioned previously does need to be protected, but you also need to be prepared for the event of a breach or a loss of data. These unexpected occurrences can wreak havoc on your reputation and have the potential to cost you business, as well. If you have important clients whose sensitive information is in your hands, any breach or loss of that is a major issue. 60 percent of companies that lose their data shut down within six months of the disaster. Backing up your data goes hand in hand with protecting it in the first place and ensures that no matter what happens, your business is prepared to continue functioning successfully. Personalized support The person or group in charge of your IT needs to be familiar with your business, your needs, and how you operate. They need to be reachable and available to provide personalized and timely support, whether it’s something small like a printer going offline or something much more urgent. 44 percent of businesses estimate an hour of downtime causes a loss of $10,000 or more. Waiting for support from a chat window or a help desk just won’t cut it. Getting onsite makes a difference, as the IT professional is able to communicate openly with you to achieve a hands-on perspective of the issue. This allows them to more effectively and efficiently provide a solution so your business can get back to its day-to-day operations. Conquer all your IT challenges with Corporate Technologies Corporate Technologies delivers all-encompassing support to ensure every aspect of your business IT needs is effectively managed. Corporate Technologies provides: Advanced security solutions for you and your clients Cloud solutions to help you take your business digital while boosting accessibility and reducing your hardware footprint Backups and protection to prepare against the unexpected Personalized onsite support to achieve face-to-face resolutions for any IT issue Contact us today to take total control of your business IT needs and to learn more about the added benefits of our Technology Advantage program.

IT Solutions Managed Services
Two men in a factory looking at something on their phone.

Four Signs Your Business Needs IT Support

Every modern business has technological needs, from an engineering firm or ad agency to a restaurant or retailer technology is always positioned as an integral facet of day-to-day operation. Whether that involves payroll management, material printing, file storage, or beyond, successful organizations simply cannot function without the utilization of modern tech. But what is the best way to go about managing that technology to ensure we have everything we need and that it’s all working to the best of its ability? Those are two crucial components. If the technology we need isn’t present or isn’t helping us operate as a more efficient and productive business, then it’s simply a wasted cost. If you’re not sure how to go about managing your business’s technology, professional IT support can play a massive role in streamlining your operation. Here are four signs your business is in need of professional IT support. You have plans for growth 57 percent of companies say integrating key digital technologies is critical to their business, but many growth-oriented organizations simply aren’t prepared for everything that goes into that growth. Your IT needs will grow as your business grows. If you’re adding new team members or new locations or both, there is a lot that will go into that process, including: New equipment (computers, monitors, laptops, printers, modems, etc.) Additional network capabilities Additional security Additional storage And more An IT professional can help you scale up your technology as your business grows to ensure you’re prepared to handle that growth without losing a step. You’ve had security issues If you’ve ever experienced a security breach and especially if you’ve experienced more than one  you need to invest in professional IT support. Particularly in industries that deal in sensitive data, such as finance or healthcare, any compromised data is a massive problem that will impact your clients and your bottom line. Any lost data due to a lack of backups is also an issue that could have been avoided. Your business should be backing up all of its data on a regular basis to ensure that even if a system disaster does occur, you’ll be able to pick up the pieces and continue operating successfully. An IT partner can help get this protocol in place. You’ve been experiencing downtime Time is money in business, and any downtime experienced is a big issue. 98 percent of organizations say a single hour of downtime costs over $100,000. If you’ve been experiencing costly periods of downtime on a recurring basis, you need to speak to an IT professional. Not only will IT support drastically reduce the occurrences of downtime, but it will also help you get back up and running much more quickly in any event and allow you to focus on your job not on frustrating IT issues. Your technology is out of date If you’re having compatibility issues due to some of your technology being out of date, such as old operating systems, non-wireless print/scan/fax, or non-cloud-based storage, it’s time to upgrade. 64 percent of companies are building on their IT budget to replace existing outdated IT infrastructure. An IT partner will help make sure everything is up-to-date and working together seamlessly a process that can often be confusing if you’re upgrading multiple components at once. Grow your business with Corporate Technologies Corporate Technologies delivers all-encompassing support to ensure every aspect of your business IT needs is effectively managed. Corporate Technologies provides: Advanced security solutions for you and your clients Cloud solutions to help you take your business digital while boosting accessibility and reducing your hardware footprint Backups and protection to prepare against the unexpected Personalized onsite support to achieve face-to-face resolutions for any IT issue Contact us today to take total control of your business IT needs and to learn more about the added benefits of our Technology Advantage program.

Cloud Computing IT Solutions
A person holding a smart phone in their hand.

Why and How Your Business Should Move to the Cloud

Companies have been going paperless for quite some time now, and for a variety of reasons. Not only does it benefit the environment, but it’s also a plus for security, accessibility, and several other key areas. But still, some businesses are unsure if they should make the jump to the cloud. In companies with a lot of physical data and files such as financial services firms or healthcare practices that have been in business for decades making the leap 100 percent to the cloud can be a massive undertaking. But it is almost always worth it. Here’s why your business should move to the cloud and some tips to get started doing so. Benefits of cloud computing Most businesses today are at least partially operating on some form of cloud platform, but there are several reasons to complete the transition entirely. Security Data on the cloud is able to be as protected as you would like, with backups and disaster recovery features also playing a role. It’s much easier to store important and sensitive data via the cloud than it is to keep physical files onsite that run the risk of being destroyed, lost, or stolen. Accessibility Businesses don’t operate entirely under the same roof anymore. They’re global, and you need a platform that will allow you to function seamlessly on that global scale without losing a step. The cloud makes it easy to share and collaborate on projects from wherever you are, unifying the team via remote accessibility. Modern appeal Attracting up-and-coming talent requires your company to be on the leading edge of technology. The younger generation of leaders doesn’t want to work in an outdated environment, as they’ve grown up with a certain standard of modern solutions and expect the same in their workplace. That most definitely includes the cloud. Space saving You can only continue to store physical files onsite for so long before you run out of room or simply have too much to keep track of. Moving to the cloud allows you to make better use of your space by removing storage and replacing it with additional offices or amenities for your team also a highly sought after component for young talent. Scalability The cloud is highly scalable and capable of growing alongside your business as you need it to. It’s easy to purchase additional storage and capability as your needs shift and such upgrades are typically not too detrimental on the budget. Tips for moving your business to the cloud Understanding the benefits of cloud computing is one thing, but taking actionable steps to do so for your business can be a significant undertaking. Here are a few of the key factors to keep in mind as you prepare to take the leap. Choosing cloud type There are two key decisions you’ll need to make when moving to the cloud  whether your platform should be SaaS, PaaS, or IaaS, and whether it should be public, private, or a hybrid of the two. SaaS (Software as a Service)  Applications are accessible via web browser or via other applications, such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, etc. PaaS (Platform as a Service) A platform for application development and testing. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)  Computing resources are available in a virtual environment and include data storage, virtualization, networking, and more. Public Resources are hosted by the cloud provider. Private Your business creates its own private cloud. Hybrid Resources are spread between both a private and public platform. Find a vendor you trust Whichever type of platform you choose to go with, you need to find a partner you trust. Moving to the cloud is a big step, and one you’ll most likely need a fair amount of support to complete. Talk to other business owners you know and trust that have made the move to the cloud and see who they can recommend. Hire an IT professional You shouldn’t assume moving an entire business to the cloud is going to be quick and painless, because it’s often not. You need an experienced IT professional to work with you to ensure the process goes smoothly, nothing is lost, and your organization is able to function effectively during and after the migration. Know what you’re getting into You shouldn’t migrate to a cloud solution unless you understand how it’s going to work and how it will impact your team. It’s also crucial that you then communicate the change to your team and make sure they understand: That you are moving to the cloud Why you’re moving to the cloud How the migration process will work How this change will affect them in the short and long term Move your business to the cloud with Corporate Technologies Corporate Technologies delivers all-encompassing support to ensure every aspect of your business IT needs is effectively managed. Corporate Technologies provides: Advanced security solutions for you and your clients Cloud solutions to help you take your business digital while boosting accessibility and reducing your hardware footprint Backups and protection to prepare against the unexpected Personalized onsite support to achieve face-to-face resolutions for any IT issue Contact us today to take total control of your business IT needs and to learn more about the added benefits of our Technology Advantage program.

IT Solutions Security
A blue fingerprint is shown on the screen.

What Makes a Password Secure: Password Security Best Practices

There is so much talk about business security that it’s easy for business owners to dismiss it as fear-mongering. However, with more than 70% of businesses facing cyber-attacks, your company must protect itself and its personal information to remain productive. Security is an obvious concern for businesses today, and one that has grown as technology has advanced and virtual intruders have found new and different ways to threaten our companies. Many different aspects go into modern business security, from backups and encryption to a firewall and data recovery, but one of the most often overlooked is also one of the most basic: passwords. Seemingly everything has a password protecting it these days, in far too many cases serving as the first and last line of defense between intruders and your sensitive data. Accordingly, most cyber-attacks happen because of weak password security that gives criminals access to your business. Here are some tips and key points to consider as it pertains to password protection within your place of business. When Should I Use a Password? We mentioned how it seems like everything has a password protecting it these days, and there’s a good reason for that. With such a significant reliance on phones, laptops, other devices, and so many online accounts in our everyday lives, we literally have much of our most personal data on us at all times, likely accessible if one or two passwords were to be discovered. Using a password on your computers, devices, and online transactions, keeps safe not only your device but your multiple accounts as well. Do you really need a password for everything? Generally speaking, if the password is being used to protect sensitive or confidential information or part of a path toward that information, then creating strong passwords is essential. Some information will require more intense security measures than others, but any password is always better than no password. What makes a password secure? This answer was simple some years ago but has changed over time. It used to be enough to use as a password common words that are easy to remember, such as your pets name, your phone number, or your birthday. Unfortunately, as intruders have become more sophisticated, social media and web passwords have had to follow and come up with novel ways of protecting your data. Password Best-Practice Guidelines Today, simple words will no longer be enough to deter cybercriminals. A secure password must meet strict criteria. Length A secure password should be at least 12 to 15 characters long. Make your password with various long characters, easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess. The longer the password, the more combinations a hacker has to try, significantly increasing the time it would take to crack. By this time, the IT department will have noticed the multiple hacking attempts and will have blocked the cyber-criminals. Complexity Include a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters (such as !, @, #, etc.). Upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols create a complexity that enhances your online security and makes it harder for a hacker to guess your password. Unpredictability Avoid using predictable patterns and sequences. For instance, “123456”, “password”, or “qwerty” are easily easy to guess. We understand that these combinations are easier to remember, yet they don’t provide strong protection. Also, steer clear of easily accessible personal information like birthdays, anniversaries, and words or phrases that contain names of family members and pets. Uniqueness Each account should have its own unique password. If one account gets compromised and you use the same password elsewhere, all those accounts become vulnerable. This means that if a password for one of your accounts gets attacked, you will need to change the password on all accounts using the compromised password. No dictionary words Don’t use complete words found in the dictionary, especially if they’re common or can be associated with you. Hackers often use dictionary attacks, where they systematically enter every word in the dictionary as a password. Memorability Despite all these rules, a good password should be something you can remember but hard to guess. Using a phrase or a combination of words (with irregular characters and numbers) can make it both complex and memorable. For example, “Ilike2Eat@pple$!”. You can use personal information as passwords, but they should be combined with special characters and complex symbols for maximum security. Regular Updates Regularly changing your passwords can help protect against ongoing unauthorized access. However, changing passwords too frequently can lead to weaker passwords or the reuse of old passwords, so balance is key. Avoid Common Substitutions Hackers are aware of common substitutions (like “pa$$word”). Don’t rely solely on these to create complexity. Use two-factor authentication Two-factor authentication provides an added layer of security when accessing an account, and should be utilized in more sensitive cases. You can set it up to have a code texted, called, or emailed to you, incorporate a security question, and more to ensure you and only you can gain access to this information. The combination of 2FA and SSO maximizes password security and is the best answer to the common question, how can I make passwords secure? Password management There are several password management tools you can leverage to auto-generate strong passwords and then store them all in one place for easy and secure storage (just make sure you remember the password to your password manager profile). This keeps you from reusing the same password across all or many of your accounts  something many of us have been guilty of to some degree. Don’t be afraid to use a different complex password for everything. This will be the most secure method, and you can always reset if you forget. It’s better to forget and reset than to allow an unwanted entity to access your information. Recap So, to recap: Password-protect anything you don’t want anyone else to have immediate access to Use long, complex passwords Never use the same password twice

IT Solutions
Two men in a server room with some computers

When is The Last Time You Assessed Your IT Network?

When is the last time you assessed your IT network? While you may be happy today with your current technology, as a business owner do you have the keys to your network and can you make decisions about where you want to go in the future without being held captive by your current IT support solution? We often hear from companies that are not happy with their providers lament, but can’t make a change, my current provider built my network and they really know my environment. The fear of switching providers is common, yet totally unwarranted. The first and arguably most important step in this planning is having a detailed and accurate assessment of your current environment.  Would you start remodeling your house without a detailed plan?  Would you simply trust the general contractor to build you  a nice addition and hope it works out? At the very least, you should have a network assessment and documentation that outlines IP addresses of devices, ISP account information, access information, server documentation, network device details for firewalls, routers and switches, and network configurations or drawings. All too often, we meet with business owners who don’t have a plan or control of their technology, even some owners living in fear of what their current IT person could do if they were to become disgruntled or leave suddenly. Having detailed documentation and the keys to your current investment allows you to be in the driver seat of managing this critical part of your business. Corporate Technologies has the solutions that you need to make your IT services stop taking up all of your time. We have solutions for all of your IT needs from a simple printer error to making sure that your server is secure and your network protected. We have backup solutions, cloud solutions, consulting services, storage and virtualization, warranty support services and voice & data networking.  

IT Solutions

Looking for IT Consulting Companies in Minneapolis?

There are a number of good IT consulting companies in and around Minneapolis. If you do your homework and interview enough providers, you’re sure to find answers to all your technical challenges. We hope this blog post helps you focus your search. The Advantages of Working with a Consulting Firm Want to take the risk out of your IT operations. Gain greater technical knowledge and insights. Stay ahead of your competition through IT innovation. Forming a partnership with a full-service technology consulting firm is a good way to accomplish all of the above. And if you are working in a small or midsized business (SMB), be aware that more and more of your direct competitors are changing the way they think about IT. No longer do they see technology as expensive overhead. They now believe IT can help them achieve their goals, grow their business, and plan for tomorrow. In fact, in the 2008 International Small Business IT Survey, 96 percent of respondents thought IT was important to their growth, and 91 percent felt small business owners could benefit financially from a greater awareness of IT. Minimum Requirements for Your IT Consulting Firm No one consulting firm will be a good fit for every company. But as a starting point, look for a firm that offers: True IT services, not just new hardware. A local presence in your area. Business savvy as well as technical knowledge. Speedy response to your issues. Valuable partnerships for the areas they can’t cover by themselves. A true partnership, and a willingness to get to know your unique network. Flexibility to your budgetary and service-level needs. Bonus Requirements for Your IT Consulting Firm Want to be sure your IT partner will be prepared for anything you throw their way? Ideally, you’ll find a partner that can also offer: IBM Premier Partner status. Get the specialized guidance you need to select the right IBM small business solutions for your situation. A wide range of industry certifications. Ask your prospective partner for a complete list of the certifications they hold. A long, stable client list. IT providers that do large volumes of business often have greater buying power and can offer you deeper discounts on hardware. Teams that specialize in areas such as storage, virtualization, and networking. Large, well-established firms often hire top engineers and technicians in each discipline. A secure, remote data center. Leading IT consulting firms can give you the option of storing your company’s data remotely in data centers that meet the highest security standards. Here’s a Good Fit: Corporate Technologies We do encourage you to research your options – but we want you to know that Corporate Technologies can meet each of the requirements above. Not only are we headquartered in Minneapolis, but we also offer customizable IT solutions that support the unique needs of any business. Ask about our Technology Advantage® program, which is designed to provide Fortune 500-level IT support and services to SMBs at an affordable price. Learn more today. Just give us a call at (866) 363-4628.